Bloom Again

This project features Sarasota artist Wendy Abramson and poet Joan Cusack Handler from Brooklyn New York. The two met to collaborate for Art in Common Places in early 2022 and found a common topic in hope.

Wendy’s statement: The title of the painting is “In Between.” About her work, Wendy wrote: “This painting represents hope. In the midst of devastation, destruction and despair, I never give up hope for a better future. My inspiration for this piece came from my love of hiking and being surrounded by trees. With this in mind, I recalled hiking in Yellowstone NP, and stumbling upon a section of the woods ravaged by wildfires. I kept my eyes on the path in front of me, and saw new growth cropping up where the sun was able to reach the earth to shine new life. Trees represent transition, transformation, change, life and hope. Getting to know Joan and how her feelings drive her self-expression through her writing pushed me to look at my art as a form of communication whereas previously my work has just been for me.”

Joan’s statement: The title of the poem is “Outside My Window, I Find Hope.” About her poem, Joan wrote: “I was feeling considerable despair over the carnage in Ukraine, but I wanted to write a poem about Hope. I thought of the places in my life where I feel most hopeful—namely, at the ocean and in the midst of trees, particularly those surrounding my home in the Northwest Woods in East Hampton, NY. I adore them. They give me hope. But I was in my apartment In Brooklyn. I simply settled into my easy chair, closed my eyes and flew to my home in the woods. There I found the poem. Sharing the birthing of a poem with Wendy who was birthing a painting, was so gratifying. And intimate. Spiritual, somehow.”




Carpe Diem