
Moon poster Web File.jpg

Our first broadside! It holds a special place in our hearts because it defined our program from its very beginning: combine an image and a poem that will connect with people on both emotional and intellectual levels. The poem is by Japanese poet Kojijū, who lived 1121-1201, and the painting is by Sarasota artist Leslie Butterfield.

Teresa’s statement: During a spell of anxiety, which had been triggered by my fears about COVID, I presented this poem in my weekly poem-cast because its stillness calmed the pandemonium in my mind and I thought it might do the same for others.

Leslie’s statement: I cherish all references to the moon as it is something I share with my beloved son Tor, no matter how far away he is. When creating the painting I was focused on capturing the spirit of the moon and how its persistence helps us know that our present concerns will ebb and flow and, eventually, vanish with the setting of the moon. 

